Friday, 29 January 2016

Music Magazine - Evaluation Assessment


  1. Well done Boj, you completed the assessment task:)
    • A confident use of Sony Vegas, maybe a little more use of transitions, titles, soundtracks next time.
    • Good use of greenscreen, swimming in and Little Mermaid background:) Engaginging to an audience as it draws them/ us in.
    • I would really like to see you develop these skills in your next presentations to show further strengths please.
    • I am conscious you had issues saving your work and next time ensure you 'render' the project not save as.
    • Overall a Pass of your assessment.
    Well done. Mrs McD-H & Mr D

  2. Hi Mrs, just wanted to let you know I have published a new assessment task taking in mind what you have said and I think I have now fulfilled the criteria you have told me
