Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Market Research Focus Group for Double Page Spread

Me: What do you think about my overall double page spread
Owen: It is very intriguing and fits well with the genre of rock. The central image and the headline is very eye-catching. 
Daniel: Its looks very professional

Me: What feature do you like the best
Owen: I like the Headline in bold red lettering as it is very attracting to the eye
Daniel: The images and names on the magazine  

Me: Do my colours fit with the theme of my magazine
Owen: Yes
Daniel: Yes

Me: Compared to my draft, do you think my double page spread has improved
Owen: Definitely. because the central image is your own.
Daniel: Yes as it has some feature that this one didn't

Me: How can I improve on it
Owen: There is not much to improve.
Daniel: More features on the double page spread

Me: Compared to a real magazine, does my double page spread look similar or fit the codes and conventions of one
Owen: I do think this look like a legit magazine double page spread
Daniel: I believe so, more edits and you could be on one 

Me: Does my image match the codes and conventions of a double page spread
Owen: Yes, it include a lot of codes and conventions
Daniel: Yes, reminds me of a rock star 

Me: Is there anything you would add or remove from my double page spread to make it better
Owen: No it is great the way it is.
Daniel: Better central image

Me: Does the font of my headline fulfil the target audience's expectation of a rock magazine
Owen: Yes, its my favourite feature.
Daniel: yes because of the colours and the image of it

Me: Out of 10, what would you rate my double page spread
Owen: 9
Daniel: 8.7

1 comment:

  1. There are some good questions which if acted upon in your final draft will have made the focus group task worthwhile. Try to ensure that whilst trying to meet the TA expectations you don't lose those elements which have been successful.- its a pitty that your focus subject was not a little more forthcoming with opinions and suggestions.
