Adventure Time is an American animated television series
created by Pendleton Ward for Cartoon Network. Bravest Warriors is an American
animated web series also created by Pendleton Ward, the creator of Adventure Time,
and directed by Breehn Burns. The series is produced by Frederator Studios for
their Cartoon Hangover YouTube channel.
I am a big fan of both shows so I decided to make a sort of
memorial piece involving some of the most iconic characters from both
franchise. For those who don’t watch the show, on the left we have Beemo and
Jake from Adventure Time and on the right is Catbug and Imposibear from Bravest
Warriors. I highly recommend both shows but if I had to pick one it would be
Bravest Warriors :) Enjoy
It is nice to see a student who is A up to date with the work, and B has an interest in media beyond the tasks set in class. Try to do one of your own posts once a week.- well done.